A period of change

Are you ok?

Are you trying to cover all the bases and keep everyone happy?

I have spoken to so many clients who are focussed on delivering services and products to their clients, while taking care of their team, often also balancing caring and teaching responsibilities, working longer hours than ever.

Is that you? Are you still waiting for the downtime that everyone else seems to be enjoying? 

At the weekend I was watching FB live about the freeze, flight or fight reactions that we have to change or crises. And I know that most business owners (myself included) go straight to fight mode, looking for solutions and reassuring your team, but we need to remember we aren't alone - even if we can't physically meet.

This period of change will end and we need to keep healthy in mind, body and spirit for the rush that will happen then.

Here are a few things to do, to keep your balance while everything is shifting:

Schedule your time - Working from home can make it really easy for your working day to get longer. Plan the hours that you are working each day and set alarms to remind you when to eat and stop. Also, if you don't have an office door that you can shut. Pack the laptop and papers away at the end of your working day, so that you are not tempted to go back after your allocated hours.

Pick your fights - Plan to complete no more than 3 tasks a day, prioritise your task list by deadline and urgency, so if you manage to complete your allocated three tasks you can move on the next task.

Ask for help - You have a team, allocate some tasks to them to free you up to focus, they are just as aware of the situation as you are and may have some insights to help you as you move forward. If you are considering furloughing or making redundancies, get in touch with us to discuss your options

Exercise - Try to move every day, it can be 10 minutes of dancing or an online class (my personal fav) but do something that raises your heart rate and your spirits.

Be still - Take some time every day to just be still; watch the clouds, feel the sun on your face, meditate or pray.

Have fun - Enjoy this time; watch a film, play some games, have an indoor picnic, create a new cocktail, have a PJ day

You have the schedule in time to take care of yourself every day, switch off the noise and you will be a better leader for it. The best ideas come in times of adversity.

Stay safe and healthy